Climate change must be part of Australia’s electricity system review

The Grattan Institute’s Tony Wood writes in The Conversation (8.10.16) about a proposed review of Australia’s electricity market, following South Australia’s state-wide blackout. The author argues that, once the rhetoric sparked by this event has died down, the review presents an opportunity for governments to ‘get climate policy right’.

‘On Friday, Australia’s federal and state energy ministers met for an extraordinary meeting following the complete loss of power in South Australia on September 28. The COAG Energy Council announced a wide-ranging independent review to provide advice to governments on a coordinated, national reform blueprint. The review will be chaired by Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel.

‘Dr Finkel has been challenged with steering Australia’s energy system around some big potholes while keeping his eye on the horizon. And all in about six months.

‘The review will consider work already being done around maintaining the security, reliability and affordability of electricity as delivered by the National Electricity market (NEM) (which covers all states except Western Australia and the Northern Territory).

‘The state-wide blackout became a political opportunity for Australia’s politicians. Yet it is certainly too early and hopefully wrong to say if this is just a reactive response.’

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