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New Queensland government back Galilee Basin coal port

The Brisbane Times (11.3.15) reports that the ALP government is backing Abbot Point coal port expansion:

‘An alternative land dumping proposal near wetlands was rejected by the new Labor government. Instead it has approved plans to dump the dredge spoil at the port itself, on a site slated for another coal terminal that has been shelved.

‘”I’ve always said I support the responsible and sustainable development of the Galilee Basin and Abbot Point, and the agreement we’ve reached demonstrates that,” Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said in a statement.

‘Adani said the state government would seek approval soon from the federal government for the new dredge dumping plan.

‘”I welcome today’s announcement because it demonstrates the priority the government has placed from the outset on ensuring economic development proceeds in Queensland subject to robust environmental standards,” Adani Australia CEO Jeyakumar Janakaraj said in a statement.’

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