Disastrous, shortsighted legislation to deregulate water use
The ABC carried a rerpot on 25.11.13 that ‘A package of measures, expected to be voted through this week, will deregulate the use of local water by resources companies, including coal miners, expanding on a model already enjoyed by coal seam gas operators in Queensland. Critics say the reforms will allow mining companies to take billions of litres of water without the need for a licence and could have an impact on water supplies to regional towns. The proposals have drawn criticism from the state’s local government association, landholders and scientists. Even the state’s coal industry described the legislation as rushed and said there had been insufficient consultation.’
The Resources Council has slammed this report, saying ‘ABC sinks to new low in anti-mining bias’. The Enviromental Defenders’ Office does not agree, calling on ‘Minister Cripps to remove provisions of the Bill giving these special rights to mining interests and not to rush through last minute amendments without first specifying who will benefit and the location and quantity of water to be extracted, so that the proposal can be debated in an informed fashion.’