Tree ‘panic clearing’ on Queensland properties revealed by satellite imagery

The ABC’s Stephanie Smail reports (23.6.16) on new indications that some farmers on large rural properties are continuing to undertake extensive and unauthorised land clearing, ahead of laws to be passed through state parliament which will restrict further clearing.

‘New figures indicate farmers could be moving to clear trees from their properties ahead of new, tougher tree-clearing laws due before Queensland Parliament later this year.

‘The ABC can reveal investigations are underway into 86 instances of “unexplained clearing” since the legislation was introduced in March. Satellite images show nearly 1,000 hectares of bush were cleared from one property alone.

‘”Some of this probably is panic clearing,” Wilderness Society spokesman Tim Seelig said. “Some of it is simply clearing that shouldn’t be done. The Government is doing the right thing here and getting straight on to it”.’

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