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The importance of making research findings available to a broad audience

Emeritus Professor Paul Boreham, Deputy Executive Director of the TJ Ryan Foundation, writes:

‘The primary aim of the TJ Ryan Foundation is to bridge the gap between academics and other professional researchers and policymakers in order to enhance evidence-based policymaking. The Foundation acts as a conduit or broker between the university research community and policy makers in Queensland through publishing papers that translate analytical research or statistical data into a manageable evidence base for use in policy making. All papers, once accepted, are published on the Foundation’s website and made available to the policy community through press releases and other forms of media.

The following article from The Conversation website, by Emeritus Professor Simon Chapman, provides a critical understanding of the importance for academics of public engagement and serves as an exhortation to the research community to make their work available to a wider audience.’

For more information about TJ Ryan Foundation research papers and policy briefs, please contact Professor Boreham at

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