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TJRyan Research Associate Dr Chris Salisbury responds to ALP ‘Advance Queensland’ issues paper

The ALP has put forward for public comment an issues paper ‘Advance Queensland’.  Dr Chris Salisbury who studied the impact of the Beattie Government’s Smart State initiatives provides a response.  “The Beattie Government’s ‘Smart State’ strategy positioned state-sponsored research, innovation and industry development as central to Queensland’s economic diversification for the better part of a decade.  During this time, unprecedented public funds (leveraging huge private and philanthropic capital) were invested in attracting hi-tech businesses to Queensland; boosting the state’s education and training systems; and increasing the research capacity of the state’s leading universities and institutes, building upon similar policy ventures of previous governments.”  Dr Salisbury now considers what has happened since, and responds to particular issues in the ALP paper. [With thanks to Dr Jonathan Staggs from the University of Queensland Business School for providing comments during the drafting of this policy paper].

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