Driving change: Australia’s cities need a measured response

Policy Online carries a link (10.10.16) to an Infrastructure Partnerships Australia report which analyses the journey times of 14,000 Uber drivers in Melbourne, as part of a new measure of congestion in Australia’s four biggest cities.’Australian governments invest tens of billions in transport infrastructure and undertake a range of policy initiatives every year seeking to improve the functionality of our cities and wider transport systems.

‘Historically, transport policy has focused on measuring inputs, like the amount of money invested in new road and rail projects, or the Benefit Cost Ratio estimated for these projects.

‘But the rapid development of technologies across the transport network is generating a wealth of raw data; offering a largely-as-yet-unrealised opportunity to gain a much more sophisticated understanding of how Australia’s transport systems are performing.

‘Indeed, turning ‘big data’ into ‘useful information’ would allow transport planners, governments and users to better understand how transport is performing – and importantly, to measure how successful we are in addressing transport challenges, as our cities grow.’

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