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World Science Festival: ‘Spread the natural love’ for livable cities

Amy Mitchell-Whittington reports in the Brisbane Times (13.3.16) on discussions at the World Science Festival in Brisbane, focusing on the need for cities to embrace their ‘natural’ spaces to be truly liveable places.

‘Brisbane needs to start spreading the “natural love” for it to truly become a world-leading livable city of the future, a leading QUT environmental engineer says.

‘Dr Cheryl Desha, who is panellist for the Catching up with The Jetsons: Cities in 2050 event during the World Science Festival Brisbane on Sunday, said respecting and utilising the amazing capabilities of nature in our cities was the next step forward in protecting citizens from disease, smog and flooding.

‘”Cities of today are like the computers of the 1960s – exciting in their possibilities, yet still clunky and inefficient,” Dr Desha said.

‘”The potential for humanity on this planet is extraordinary if we can take inspiration from nature and its designs developed over billions of years. Yet it is almost like we are designing in the dark”.’


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