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Annastacia Palaszczuk threatens early election – but no bills to trigger one

Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (9.3.16) on Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s claim that she would call an early election if her government’s legislative agenda was blocked in the hung parliament. This comes after the resignation of Cairns MP, Rob Pyne, from the Labor government left numbers in the parliament even more precariously balanced.

‘Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk doubled down on her threat to go to the polls if “anyone stood in my way” in regards to her legislative jobs agenda, but was forced to concede the government had no bills before the House which would cause her to pull the election trigger.

‘As the fall out from Cairns MP Rob Pyne’s defection to the cross bench continues, with Deputy Premier Jackie Trad forced to publicly state her loyalty to both Ms Palaszczuk as leader and the Labor Party, and grumblings of other unhappy backbenchers making their way to ministerial offices, the government is fighting to present a united, cohesive front.

‘Ms Palaszczuk has attempted to turn the loss of Mr Pyne, which brings Labor’s numbers in the House down to the LNP’s 42 seats, into her fighting for the State.

‘Scrapping the “business as usual” line, which was the government’s original response to Mr Pyne’s resignation, Ms Palaszczuk has wielded a threat since Tuesday to head to the polls, vowing to get the public’s support, if she can’t get the Parliament’s.’

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