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Another right-wing government falls

The BBC Report on the Canadian election (21.10.15):

‘When Mr Harper first announced that this year’s general election campaign would be a record 78 days long, conventional wisdom was it would benefit the Conservatives, giving them more time to bring their financial advantages to bear.

‘In hindsight, however, the lengthy campaign gave Mr Trudeau an opportunity to introduce himself to Canadians and overcome Conservative attacks that characterised the 43-year-old former high-school drama teacher as too inexperienced to lead the Canadian nation.

‘Mr Trudeau also successfully outmanoeuvred the New Democratic Party, campaigning to that party’s left on economic issues.

‘For Mr Trudeau, the hard work of bringing the Liberal Party back from the ashes is over. Now, as the next prime minister of Canada, the even harder work of governing is about to begin.’

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