Tony Moore reports in the Brisbane Times (19.3.16) on results in local council elections on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. Other reports follow results and fallout from council elections held throughout Queensland.
‘Gold Coast mayor Tom Tate has romped in on the Gold Coast with voters saying “yes” to his plans and rejecting the over-development caution of his opponents.
‘Cr Tate will push ahead with his plans for a cruise ship terminal, to push the light rail to the Gold Coast Airport and to brighten the city for the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
‘”Boy, we’ve got a lot to do to get the city ready for the Commonwealth Games,” Cr Tate said after securing victory.’
- Big swing returns Tom Tate on Gold Coast »
- Popular Coast mayor Mark Jamieson pulls State MPs into line »
- Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast mayors declare victory, Noosa and Fraser Coast races too close to call »
- Brisbane and Ipswich mayors returned after ‘smear and innuendo’ »
- Queensland local government election: Gladstone, Southern Downs and Barcoo mayors lose top jobs »