Election 2016: Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten face off in dour debate at the National Press Club

James Massola reports in the Brisbane Times (29.5.16) on the first leaders’ debate of the federal election campaign, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten arguing the cases for their respective parties’ agendas, and addressing the major election issues.

‘Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten fought each other to a draw in an election debate that failed to excite and was dominated by questions about economic management, border protection, climate change and trust.

‘After the first three weeks of an election campaign which has seen a succession of own goals by both sides, the contest at the National Press Club offered both men a chance to speak directly to voters.

‘Mr Turnbull began by emphasising the Coalition’s economic plan, including a company tax cut designed to stimulate jobs and growth, as he pitched economic management as the government’s key strength.’

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