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Federal Election 2016: Is this the end of the road for Bob Katter?

John Harrison comments in the Brisbane Times (19.6.16) about the political fortunes of Bab Katter, and whether the long-time MP for Kennedy in north Queensland has done enough to win back voters – tasteless campaign antics notwithstanding – to retain his marginal seat for another term.

‘Burling through Townsville’s airport terminal in his big cowboy hat, invariably late, Bob Katter is an unmistakable and well-recognized figure in the north. He’s been a state and federal politician since 1974, over 40 years. That’s 18 years in the Queensland Parliament followed by 23 years in Canberra since 1993.

‘Those who think Bob Katter is a rural hick are wrong. Bob has been one of the most consistent advocates for the development of northern Australia, to the point where we now have a minister (albeit based in Melbourne) and assistant minister for northern Australia. Moreover, Bob was an advocate for Australian industry while Nick Xenophon was in short pants.

‘ … Now aged 71, will this be Bob’s last campaign?’

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