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Four-year parliamentary terms tipped to be rejected

The Brisbane Times reports (10.3.16) on the upcoming referendum on fixed, four-year parliamentary terms in Queensland. Polls are tipping a very close result, although many voters apparently remain undecided on the issue.

‘Queenslanders are tipped to vote against giving state politicians an extra year in power and many seem unaware or unexcited about having their say.

‘But the referendum on four-year fixed parliamentary terms, which coincides with local government elections on March 19, is expected to go down to the wire.

‘A Galaxy poll of 540 Brisbane voters this week showed although 48 per cent wanted four-year terms, 35 per cent were opposed and 17 per cent were undecided.

‘Traditionally, undecided voters back the no case in referendums, which is a reason why Griffith University political analyst Dr Paul Williams believes the referendum will likely fail.

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