LNP President Bruce McIver leaving

The Brisbane Times (7.9.15) reports:

‘Controversial LNP president Bruce McIver will resign later this month after seven years at the helm of the amalgamated party. Mr McIver, a Christian conservative whose political stripes were earned in the National Party, was the LNP’s inaugural president after serving as president of the Queensland Nationals. Mr McIver said he would stand down on September 25.

“After 10 years of dedicated commitment in leadership positions, the time is right for me to step aside,” he said. “Following a very successful July convention, the LNP is now in a transition phase preparing for the next federal campaign.

“A decade in politics will always produce highs and lows, but I have been proud to be part of the emergence of a genuine force that offers a real alternative for all Queenslanders.”

Mr McIver, who was seen by some as an authoritarian leader who wielded extraordinary power within the party, earned many detractors, particularly among the party’s disaffected ex-Liberal Party members.’

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