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Malcolm Turnbull ready to fight early double dissolution election on union corruption

Mark Kenny reports in the Brisbane Times (8.3.16) about speculation that Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, may call an early double dissolution election for July thsi year.

‘The Turnbull government has already obtained the constitutional “trigger” needed to justify an early election fought on union corruption and on the Labor Party’s reluctance to stamp it out, a senior cabinet minister has declared.

‘The fighting declaration means the government is already positioning for a strong anti-union election and is now merely trying to bolster that argument with another key plank of legislation – a resubmitted bill to re-establish the Howard-era Australian Building and Construction Commission.

‘The declaration by Employment Minister Michaelia Cash coincided with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull refusing to nominate the date of the budget, prompting speculation it might be brought forward to ease pre-election logistics.’

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