Nicholas Reece comments in the Sydney Morning Herald (22.7.16) on the federal government’s proposed plebiscite on marriage equality. The author argues that, despite some polls pointing to dwindling support for the idea of a public vote on the matter, marriage equality advocates need to face the reality that the Coalition is unlikely to back away from it.
‘Australia will soon vote in a national plebiscite on marriage equality, possibly in November or more likely March next year.
‘Yet Labor, the Greens and even Australian Marriage Equality are in denial about this reality. Their continued opposition to a public vote is now a risk to the ultimate success of the “yes” case.
‘Supporters of same-sex marriage were right to be suspicious when former prime minister Tony Abbott proposed the plebiscite in 2015. There is no doubt a parliamentary vote would be a much better way to resolve the matter.
‘… But the genie is out of the bottle on a plebiscite, with most opinion polls showing overwhelming support for a public vote.’