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What secret cabinet papers reveal about ‘most pivotal year’ in state’s history

Lydia Lynch reports in the Brisbane Times (1.1.20) about the release of Queensland cabinet minutes from 1989, a year in which three premiers and two governments held office in this state, punctuated by the handing down of the Fitzgerald Inquiry report.

‘The year was 1989. The Berlin Wall was torn down, the internet came to Australia, Bob Hawke and John Howard led the country’s two major parties and 32 years of conservative rule in Queensland came to a dramatic end after the release of the Fitzgerald Inquiry report.

‘Three decades later, Digital Technology Minister Mick de Brenni described 1989 as one of “the most pivotal years in Queensland political history”, at the release of the year’s cabinet minutes.

‘”The papers set the tone politically, socially and economically for the next three decades,” he said.

‘The minutes, which can now be released after 30 years of cabinet confidentiality, cover the reigns of three premiers, three cabinets and two governments.’

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