Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (27.3.15) that ‘Labor will push ahead with its plan to tackle alcohol-fuelled violence, first mooted in January last year, which will see a 1am lockout introduced into pubs and clubs, no shots after midnight and a 3am closing time. Repeat offenders will find themselves banned from entertainment precincts across the state.
‘Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath said police would be granted the power to breathalyse disorderly or drunk revellers “so they have the evidence they need to prosecute licensees, managers and patrons who are breaching the Liquor Act”.
‘”We’ll back these laws up with intelligence-led policing and increased liquor licensing inspections as well as education and awareness campaigns,” she said.
‘“Not only are these policies supported by the evidence, they’re also supported by everyday Queenslanders. The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education shows over 80 per cent of Queenslanders support 3am closing for pubs, clubs and bars and over 60 per cent support a 1am lockout.”‘