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If planners understand it’s cool to green cities, what’s stopping them?

Tony Matthews and Jason Byrne write in The Conversation (9.3.16) about how, in the face of changing climate, it’s critical that city planners create liveable cities with more green space and urban amenities.

‘Our cities are getting hotter, more crowded and noisier. Climate change is bringing more heatwaves, placing pressure on human health, urban amenity, productivity and infrastructure.

‘Urban residents naturally want to stay cool. Air conditioning is the usual choice, but it can be expensive to run. Air conditioning also adds carbon pollution, creates noise and can make outdoor spaces hotter.

‘So what else can we do to manage increasing urban heat? And who has the ability to act?

‘Urban planners are increasingly involved in developing and delivering urban greening strategies. While it seems like a “no brainer” to green cities, our international research shows that planners are not always comfortable with this idea.’

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