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Abbott and Turnbull the worst economic managers?

A report by the Australia Institute to be released today (14.6.16) titled “Jobs and Growth … And a Few Hard Numbers” ‘shows that there is little correlation between economic performance and either political party’.

Greg Jericho reports in The Guardian (14.6.16) that this report examines the economic performance of Australia under every prime minister since Menzies.  

‘It also found that the “business friendliness” of a government does not appear to have much impact either. ‘The report examines economic performance across a range of 12 indicators – including GDP per capita, the unemployment rate, employment growth and the growth of real business investment and intellectual property investment.

‘The findings by economist Jim Stanford showed that on all but two measures, the performance under the Abbott/Turnbull government has been worse than that under the Gillard government.’

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