Another sale of Brisbane City Council property to an LNP donor uncovered

Cameron Atfield reports in the Brisbane Times (7.3.16) about additional claims of council property deals going to LNP donors without proper tender processes.

‘Brisbane City Council sold another block of public land to a Liberal National Party donor in 2013 without going to tender, but the Quirk-led LNP administration has rejected any suggestion of favourable treatment.

‘Lot 2, 538 Nudgee Road was sold to the BMI Group for $1.5 million as part of a $10.5 million compensation package for a 13-hectare landfill at Murarrie, which the council resumed in 2010 to convert to parkland.

‘The Nudgee Road property, which had been used as a spoil shed during the construction of Airport Link, was adjacent to another block of land – Lot 1, 538 Nudgee Road – which mired the LNP’s council campaign in controversy last week.

‘Like Lot 1, which the council had hoped to sell to LNP donor Tan Boon Seng before Local Government Minister Jackie Trad refused to allow the transaction, Lot 2 did not go to public tender, as was legally required.’

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