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Bronwyn Bishop and an image emblematic of what went wrong

Madonna King writes in The Brisbane Times (23.7.15) about the symbolism of Bronwyn Bishop’s helicopter flight, and what it says about the Abbott Government:

‘Even in isolation, without Tony Abbott’s weak response, Bishop’s big-spending ways will colour the government’s legacy.

‘Firstly, Bishop has brought down the role of the Speaker; a coveted political post that – with exceptions a la Peter Slipper – is expected to set the tone for the Parliament.

‘Secondly, her wild spending runs counter to every utterance made by Abbott and treasurer Joe Hockey about the age of entitlement and the need for everyone to lean in. What does it say to us that we are being told to cop it sweet, when the Speaker’s allowed – under the rules – to spend senseless amount of OUR money on HER comfort.

‘Thirdly, and perhaps the hardest to understand, is her blatant unwillingness to mention the S word. And that leaves me with the strong view that she is not sorry that she’s spent heaps of your and my money galavanting around the globe, or trotting off to Liberal Party functions.’

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