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How many seats should there be in Queensland Parliament?

Joshua Robertson reported in The Guardian (16.7.15) that ‘An electoral law expert has questioned the Queensland opposition’s move to circumvent parliament in its push to raise the number of MPs and increase the value of votes in remote seats.

‘The Liberal National party wants the Redistribution Commission to consider adding another five MPs to parliament and reducing the size of the five geographically biggest seats.

‘That would potentially benefit three crossbenchers who can hold sway in Queensland’s parliament – Katter’s Australian party MPs Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth, and former Labor now independent MP Billy Gordon – as well as two LNP MPs.

‘University of Queensland law professor Graeme Orr said the LNP could gain “moral leverage” for its plan if backed by the Redistribution Commission, but it was a longstanding public law principle that parliament should decide such questions.’

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