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Palaszczuk must grapple with One Nation, and history, in unpredictable Queensland election

TJ Ryan Foundation Research Associate, Chris Salisbury, writes in The Conversation (29.10.17) that whichever major party ‘wins’ the Queensland election will potentially be forced into tricky negotiations with minor parties to form government.

‘Queensland’s state election has been called for November 25. The outcome is, at this stage, anyone’s guess.

‘Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk cited her disendorsement of sitting MP Rick Williams, and the resignation for health reasons of minister Bill Byrne, as triggers for an election months before it was due.

‘Williams’ subsequent resignation from the ALP to contest his seat as an independent leaves the Labor minority government and Liberal National Party opposition both holding 41 seats in the 89-seat state parliament.

‘Polling has typically had the government slightly ahead in two-party-preferred terms. But narrowing poll margins and the major parties’ shrinking primary vote share point to a tight result – and potentially another hung parliament.

‘In this scenario, the election “winner” could be forced into tricky negotiations with minor parties to form government. Yet Palaszczuk and Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls have both pledged not to govern in coalition with the likes of One Nation and Bob Katter’s Australian Party. So where will that leave the make-up of Queensland’s next government?’

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